This container view helps answer key questions such as:
Which containers are awaiting for pick up at inland destination
What is the LFD (Last Free Day) for a container?
Are any containers at risk of demurrage?
Important information, such as IND (inland destination) LFD AND IND (inland destination unloaded)are updated automatically, so you always have the most up-to-date information without having to refresh and recheck.
View is sorted by the following columns:
IND (Inland Destination) ATA
IND (Inland Destination) UNLOADED
IND (Inland Destination) LFD
Note: You can always choose which of the three columns you want the view to be sorted by, or select all. You need to click on the sorting column(s) to select and click again to deselect. The arrow down symbol indicates which column is being used.
Default Filters:
Actively Tracked - Yes
IND (Inland Destination) ATA - Present
IND (inland destination) Full Out - Not Present
Empty Returned - Not Present
Note: You can always customise the filters & columns according to your workflow.
To access the IND Awaiting Full Out Container View:
Go to containers view > Manage Views
Scroll down to Intermodal Rail Section > Hit the add button for POD awaiting Inland Transfer View
Note: To enable Intermodal Rail on your account, please contact [email protected]
See next article: Container View - IND (Inland Destination) Full Out